ࡱ;  Root Entry Fg9øCompObjbWordDocument ObjectPool:ø:ø & !"#$%'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMN FMicrosoft Word 6.0 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.6; ܥe- e  j jj j j j j  V 1     0 8  T /V j  V j j j j  ~  j j j j  j View of Europa taken from a range of 2,869,252 kilometers (1.6 million miles) on March 2 at 2:00 PM. The 1700 longitude is at the center of the picture; this is the face away from Jupiter. Irregular dark and bright patches on the surface are different from the patterns on the other satellites of Jupiter and those on the Moon, Mars and Mercury. Dark intersecting lines may be faults that break the crust. JPL manages and controls the Voyager Project for NASA's Office of Space Science. ࡱ Oh+'0$ H l SummaryInformation(  D h,V F ^&W2&G0N Nt C:\WORD6\TEMPLATE\NORMAL.DOTThis photo of Io, innermost of the four large Galilean satellites of Jupiter, was taken through an ultraviolet filter by the narrow angle camera of Voyager 1. The photo was taken at 2 a.m. (PST) Feb. 27, when Voyager 1 was 4.3 million miles (7 million kPhilip BorgnesPhilip Borgnes@ ø@@ ø@Microsoft Word 6.02ࡱ; %N+NFv&Fv&L0N&O0NNF~V+V& NVF ?ÿ%0F0+ȌF~&V^&!K@Normala "A@"Default Paragraph Font  jPhilip BorgnesC:\BILL\1455_045.TXTPhilip BorgnesC:\BILL\1455_034.TXTPhilip BorgnesC:\BILL\1455_048.TXTPhilip BorgnesC:\BILL\1455_037.TXTPhilip BorgnesC:\BILL\1455_038.TXTPhilip BorgnesC:\BILL\1455_011.TXTPhilip BorgnesC:\BILL\1455_016.TXTPhilip BorgnesC:\BILL\1455_018.TXTPhilip BorgnesC:\BILL\1455_028.TXTPhilip BorgnesC:\BILL\1455_030.TXT@HP LaserJet IIPLPT1:HPPCLHP LaserJet IIP  D@GO}#dIALO HP LaserJet IIP  D@GO}#dIALO  YY1Times New Roman Symbol &Arial"hEE"/This photo of Io, innermost of the four large Galilean satellites of Jupiter, was taken through an ultraviolet filter by the narrow angle camera of Voyager 1. The photo was taken at 2 a.m. (PST) Feb. 27, when Voyager 1 was 4.3 million miles (7 million kPhilip BorgnesPhilip Borgnesࡱ; ࡱ;